Problem Statement

This project aims at making a Digital Pen that can store digital copies of the user’s writings locally in a storage device and on the cloud using various internal and external sensors. We are planning to design the pen in a way that it can function without requiring any special writing surface. The device will have the correct option to edit past writings. Additional features like audio recording, interface with nearby devices are also considered.

Basic idea

Digitizing the written document has always been a necessity, but during pandemic this has been done excessively. Everyone who is digitizing the written text either uses a scanner or tablet and stylus which are very expensive and non-ergonomic. Students have to scan hundreds of pages manually which is very tedious. Professors have to compromise to their writing while using stylus and tablets. Artists like Graphic designers, Animators have to use expensive tablets and stylus and get accustomed to it and can’t achieve the quality of drawing made using pen and paper.

The best alternative to this problem is using digital pen which digitize the data at the time when it being written and preserves the handwriting. Digitized notes are also easier to store, organize, search, share. Since the notes are captured automatically by the pen , the user need not to worry about scanning the pages manually. All he/she must do is to preserve the copy of digital data stored in storage device for further use. Moreover the app which we would be using to access the stored data can recognize the written data and can be turned into editable text which would be very beneficial for writers, novelists as well as coders.

Current progress

We are currently in the prototyping phase, where we analyse the data from the various sensors to detect the motion of the pen and calibrate the values to get accurate and perfect results.